About Us
Lymm Youth & Community Association Limited (referred to on this site as LYCA) is a local registered charity set up to operate and safeguard the Lymm Youth & Community Centre (LYCC) for the people of Lymm.
The centre was built in the 1960s as purpose-built youth club in a scenic setting by the Bridgewater Canal in Lymm village centre. With the support of Lymm Parish Council and the wider community, we have secured a Community Asset Transfer from Warrington Borough Council. The building is now leased to LYCA, and we are acting on behalf of the community as a whole. There is a management meeting at least once every two months, and all meetings are open to the public.
We are accessible and supportive and we organise a wide range of events to help build a stronger community.
The centre has been used by many local community organisations, including:
Lymm WI
Marie Curie
Lymm Rotary Club
Lymm Festival
Lymm Local History Society
Lymm Scouts and Guides
Lymm Roundtable
Lymm May Queen
Lymm Festivities Group
Lymm British Legion
We support local events such as:
Lymm Easter Duck Race
Lymm Festival
Lymm Dickensian Christmas
Lymm May Queen
Lymm Festival of Historic Transport
Makers Market
Click for more about the history of where the Centre is now sited.
The centre is managed and run by a team of volunteers. It is self-sustaining for its running costs being funded by paid hirings. Regular activities provided by hirers, all of which help to provide service to the community, include:
Monthly Artisan Market
Monthly W.I.
Monthly Messy Church
Monthly Music Appreciation
Weekly Street Dance
Weekly Table Tennis
Weekly Senior Keep Fit
Weekly Pilates
Weekly Over 50 Fitness
Weekly Laughter Tots
Weekly Taekwon-Do
Weekly Theatre Arts
Weekly Friday Prayer meeting
Weekly Carers’ Support Group
Weekly Educational Tuition
Rugby Tots (starts 30/9/23)