Join activities & clubs
There are many activities you can join. Senior Social on the 3rd Wednesday of each month and Film Clubs on the 1st and 4th Wednesday of each month. Both are FREE but donations are always welcome. Every Thursday morning in the upstairs lounge, we have a FREE COOL/WARM SPACE Social offering hot drinks and snacks.
There are other activities and clubs such as Senior Keep-Fit, Laughter Tots, Table Tennis, Taekwon-do, Street Dance, Theatre arts, Pilates. U3A Music Appreciation club meet monthly. Carers Support Group meet weekly, Friday Prayer Group is a new addition to the club. Rugby Tots will start on 30th September 2023.
Some activities and events are run by community organisations such as WI, Carers Support Group, a Monthly Sunday Market on the 3rd Sunday of each month , Thursday breakfast Cafe, and Messy Church. Regular Police Drop-in Surgeries are held (check the Lymm Police FB page for further information)
Click the button below to see our full timetable.